Raw Vegan Cooking – Cucumber Pizza – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 72
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Raw vegan cuisine can be fun, delicious, and exciting with my new cucumber pizza recipe. Just because you don’t eat pizza doesn’t mean you can’t eat pizza. Here’s my epic raw vegan cucumber pizza recipe on my raw vegan cooking show.
JP almost cracked himself up with this green pizza
That is obviously not kosher
My vegan butthole hurts
Even vegans crease watching this 😂
Not all vegans are liberals. I'm a fruitarian. It got rid of my cancer
More existing recipes please…that pizza looks existing.
LMMFAO, I'm dying! At first, I honestly thought this was a legitimate raw/vegan pizza recipe. I kept wondering why does he have this wild look on his face. LOL. Awesome. Loved it. Subscribed!
Pov: You're finding triggered vegan
Where can I buy the T-shirt? 😀
Bloody hell! This man and his sarcasm are my new favourite! I am sharing this with people so that I butthurt them in the most polite and gentle manner! Hahahaha hahaha!
I’m usually a huge fan of vegetables for some reason but man this looks pretty bad.
Zucchini & cauliflower crust are better.
I hope you know that while using that blender you just used enough energy to kill 4 trees and increase global temperatures by 0.000007 degrees. It's because of planet killers like you that we must cease all fossil fuel usage now and erect forests of wind turbine generators as far as the I can see. That's the environmentally conscious thing to do you hypocrite.
sometimes you can absorb the nutrition of the food without even touching it, just run through your palm 1 inch away from anything and you can absorb its energy! especially during a full moon. don't forget to not wear your shoes.
imagine that plants and vegetables feel pain…..
vegans… we are fucked
😂😂😂😂I love it !!!!
No number without a cucumber
How can you eat that!? You're eating my food's food!!