Veganuary Recipes With Gordon Ramsay | Part One

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Here are a few vegan friendly recipes to help make Veganuary that much easier. Remember you can swap out items for alternatives if they don't suit your dietary needs.

#GordonRamsay #Cooking #Veganuary

Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit –

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Veganuary Recipes With Gordon Ramsay | Part One

Here are a few vegan friendly recipes to help make Veganuary that much easier. Remember you can swap out items for alternatives if they don't suit your dietary needs.

#GordonRamsay #Cooking #Veganuary

Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit –

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Imro says:

I am actually seeing Gordon more than my friends these days

Alejandra Rodriguez says:


Laura Ezeani's healthy living says:

Hello 👋 hope you are good 👍 if you are a veggie lover definetively check out my vegan meatballs and all the other vegan recipes at laura ezeani healthy living youtube channel they are awesome 👌

Far Cry says:


Eireann Palmer says:

This is the best comment I’ve ever read

It’s Stop Motion Bruh says:

Me too

Lola Ke says:

Gordon Ramsay with *vegan* recipes? Thought I’d never see it, but really glad it happened

Techno kid gaming videos says:

This is a compilation

The video is old

PauleD says:

Yeah vegan with honey made from animals. Sure vegan

seanthebrawn says:

@PauleD easily substituted though. Its nice to see anything from him on the topic tbh

iUnEarthly says:

@PauleD u can sub anything you don’t want. When it comes down to it, these recipes are seriously good.

PauleD says:

@seanthebrawn that’s my point. It is not on the topic because honey and milk, as used in the video, are not vegan since they are made from animals. So he does not deal with the topic

G_R_ I_M_ says:

I’m waiting for it.
“Honey isn’t vegan!”… Lmfao!

Aleck Foulks says:

@michael lopez when 75% of soy is fed to animals…

Aleck Foulks says:

@michael lopez this is also the same argument for just growing your own food if there’s grass on the field you can fucking grow plants dude

Mark Nicholls says:

@Aleck Foulks Did I mention the plagues? No? So I don’t know what you’re banging on about there. I’ve said the only way to eat them vegan friendly is to grow your own, and that honey isn’t vegan. So you’ve just said what I said, but terribly without knowing what punctuation is. Don’t see your point at all, but okay. 🤨

steve brown says:

@Mark Nicholls 1. they’re not nearly as bad as animal products due to all the grain animals are fed which also use vast amounts of pesticide to mass-produce it. 2. Where do you think mass-avocado farmers get their bees from? The honey-industry, not to mention how honey production is massively damaging to the environment and directly leads to the deaths of billions of bees as farmers cull hives as its cheaper than feeding the hive through winter. 3. Rodent deaths are A) miniscule compared to the volume of death inflicted by animal products and honey. and B) Rodents usually have a chance and warning to escape being killed as they can hear and feel combine harvesters coming toward them, and also despite what many say, farmers don’t go out with shotguns or spray-bottles to hunt down a few mice. Besides in order to feed our population. its unfortunately necessary and so morally justified to protect crops

Mark Nicholls says:

@steve brown I know. I hope you don’t think I’m vegan do you? 😂 I’ve made all of these points

David Eldridge says:

I like how ramsay is chill when he cooks at home but when he’s trying to make people better chefs he’s curses at them and y’all’s 😂😂😂. But he’s a good guy. And his cooking.

lyn k says:

Putting people under pressure makes them stronger.

The guy who asked says:

@lyn k true

cheezhead Z says:

You do know that the cursing and drama is all for the show, right? 🤣

Justine G. says:

let’s pretend it’s vegan honey lmfao

Drunk Vegan Gal says:

@Watson XOX We would not need to shear sheep had our ancestors not bred them to produce obscene amounts of fleece. If we stopped deliberately breeding them into existence we wouldn’t need to shear them either. There are far superior fabrics to wool now…it’s not the 1920s anymore. Time to evolve.

Watson XOX says:

Drunk Vegan Gal Man that sucks. Glad all my wool is thrifted lol! Thanks for the info!

Odette Flowers says:

@Alice you actually do? Honey bees are instead supplemented with water sugar, which doesn’t consist the nutritions that the bees need to have to survive. They get nerve damage and gets disorganised. The queens wings are cut of because, the bee keepers doesn’t want them to start of new colonies.

Michael Torres says:

@Hannah King the cause is actually us realeasing organic pestisides that harm the bees as well as pests

Maryam Ewida says:

I know right 😂🥴

Ciel Desaulniers says:

gordon really used honey in a vegan recipe 💀

mlgboiboiboi says:

We got fucking canines for not only digesting leaf but meat too. End of argument.

Robert Boyle says:

@mlgboiboiboi Yeah but in todays world you don’t need to eat meat, like how we don’t need our appendix anymore as we don’t eat raw meat like we did when we were cavemen lol

Ciel Desaulniers says:

@mlgboiboiboi have you,, seen our « canines »? they are nothing like other omnivores. our teeth ressemble a herbivore the most

Utkarsh Sharma says:

Just use maple syrup, agave syrup or golden syrup instead.

Matthew Ober says:

Gordon out here using honey in vegan recipes! Bloody legend…

Helena Handkart says:

Yeah. I give him some points for that!

Tank Engine 75 says:

I don’t think he purposely did that

Matthew Ober says:

@Tank Engine 75 I was joking

Tank Engine 75 says:

@Matthew Ober Oh

Chris says:

Is anyone else in a weird stage in their life where they’re just randomly binging Gordon Ramsey for hours? Yeah me too

Pearl In Its Shell says:

That was me 3 months ago but now I’m back 😅😂😂

Valerie H says:

Lol yep

Dev1359 says:

I’m hooked on his Masterclass lessons rn

Amanda says:

It’s been 3 days😔

Takoda Ackerley says:

For some reason I have the urge to binge the cooking channel.

Beth Syer says:

I love how he’s so versatile bc Gordon is the biggest meat eater ever but he still knows how to make Bomb vegan dishes unlike some chefs who will only stick to one or the other

Stefan says:

Putting avocado on bread doesn’t really count as a “bomb dish” in my books 😅

And well he starts of the second dish with honey… Which is not even vegan by any definition

Joost Van Rens says:

And milk

Drunk Vegan Gal says:

So many recipes, and cuisine, from around the world has always been ‘vegan’ it just wasn’t called that 😀 Trust me – I’ve travelled a lot and very, very seldom do I go hungry.

Michelle Morton says:

I’ve been waiting for this Gordon! 🥺 (honey isn’t vegan btw love) before going vegan 3 years ago I adored your recipes

Stephanie Sui says:

we know gordon loves his meats and dairy when his vegan recipes are just avocados, granolas, and salads HAHAHAH

Stephanie Sui says:

@Gumbercules J I am clearly making a joke here..idk why u took it to seriously! ha!

Gumbercules J says:

@Stephanie Sui Sorry was trying to reply to Nate C (who replied to you with more genuine complaints) but I messed up somehow. I realised you were making a joke.

Mindfulness meditation channel-meditation music says:

You can substitute it for maple sirup

Syahiirun Sofea says:

I’ve watched both Veganuary videos and tbh I think all the recipes are just healthy meals that happen to be vegan or vegetarian friendly lol

Molly Grace says:

This is exactly why meat eaters think you can’t be satisfied on a vegan diet. They only know how to make toast and salad.

King Celestial says:

You are the most aggressive and the most chill man I’ve ever seen

胡志峰 says:


Meng Qiong says:

Gordon: little touch of olive oil
*_proceeds to force the bread to swim in oil_*

The Veganizer says:

Naaah I swear that’s just a touch, at least when it comes to bread and olive oil

LaserGadgets says:

Even his orange juice looks somehow more brilliant in color and just orangier!

Branko Anokic says:

@not here This answer is so real.

not here says:

@Branko Anokic lol?

Branko Anokic says:

@not here I just saw truth in your words. Oh wise one.

not here says:

@Branko Anokic o.0

Chonghan Liu says:

It’s called “incredibly posh camera equipment” lol

Little Miss Tragedy says:

It may not be vegan, but they are vegetarian friendly. Let’s just appreciate Gordon tried

ashley says:

Just sub the honey for agave and boom it’s vegan 🤯

Utkarsh Sharma says:

Honey substitutes like agave syrup, golden syrup or maple syrup can be used which are all vegan.

Bogna Groniecka says:

It’s misleading the world Der audience. And then people tell me that honey is vegan lol…

Jerry Gallo says:

Well the title is veganury, not let’s just talk fast about vegetables. This is bad form from a chef with his influence

Lilly Cole says:

I love how I’m watching this a day after I see his ‘response’ to the vegan teacher’s annoying TikToks.

Helly F says:

Honey may not be vegan but he tried his best and we can still swap it for agave 👌

Angel G says:

Or maple syrup. That’s my go too for a honey substitute

Chonghan Liu says:

@Artemis Gacha Vegan teacher is based and I pray to her every niht

Quincycle says:

Don’t think he tried. His team just tried to make a vegan compilation of old recipes he made.

Алексей Гриднев says:

I respect vegans for refusing to kill animals. But saying that honey is not vegan… That’s basically making yourself suffer for no benefit to anyone whatsoever. You don’t have to kill bees while harvesting honey, and in any case bees are just insects. You have to kill mosquitoes and other insects just for your own safety or in order to grow plants even if you go 100% vegan, don’t you?

Chonghan Liu says:

@Алексей Гриднев Well, usually bees are killed before winter because keeping them alive is too expensive. So they do die.

Not Dun says:

Gordon: veganuary
also Gordon: uses milk and honey

Nick Mozzicato says:

I don’t think he has vegan food on the menu in his restaurants. Except possibly one meal at one place I heard about. And it wasn’t even more than half decent.

Tofu Tuesday says:

@Nick Mozzicato there is a vegan menu at Hell’s Kitchen in Las Vegas. The vegan risotto there is amazing!

Aleck Foulks says:

@Bruh Bruh yeah but the point is that he just wants our money he didn’t actually try it wasn’t an actual vegan video he’s the second richest chef and he couldn’t squeeze some oat milk?

Alexandra St says:

@Bruh Bruh almond milk is not popular with vegans anymore. almond farming is killing hundreds of thousands of bees a year. the bee population is declining. when bees are gone humans have 4 years to live. our ecosystem is f***** without them. flax milk is pretty sustainable and healthy

avantgardevegan says:

go on Gordon who would have thought it 🙂

hamrthroer Ⓥ says:

Gordon got me interest in being a chef before going Vegan but Gaza you sealed the deal and inspired me to create my own vegan chef service.

Nic says:

@hamrthroer Ⓥ Nice! Where do you provide your chef services?

Aleck Foulks says:

Chill avantgardevegan he just wants our money

Nic says:

@Aleck Foulks lol. It doesn’t matter what his goal is, it matters if it results in more people becoming vegan or not. And make no mistake, that’s what the result is.

Cariem Edsme says:


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