Vegan-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

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Enjoy these delicious vegan Thanksgiving ideas!

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        • Views:42,497 views
        • Tags: recipe, recipes, THANKSGIVING, vegan, VeganFriendly
        • Categories: Vegan Recipe


        hugo Ketchup says:

        Thanks to the tofu turkey i was able to bring a decent looking vegan meal to the christmas family table.
        Even if some said it looks disgusting 😆 i had an awesome time enjoying it so thanks to you goodful for this amazing recipe ✌

        victoria lawson says:

        Estoy aquí para dar mi testimonio sobre un médico que me ayudó en la vida. Fui infectado con HERPES VIRUS En marzo de 2020, fui a muchos hospitales para curarme, pero no había solución, así que estaba pensando en cómo conseguir una solución para que mi cuerpo pueda estar bien. Un día estaba en la orilla del río pensando adónde puedo ir para encontrar una solución. Así que una señora se acercó a mí diciéndome por qué estoy tan triste y me abro todo a ella diciéndole mi problema, ella me dijo que puede ayudarme, me presentó a un médico que usa medicamentos a base de hierbas para curar el virus HERPES y Me dio su correo electrónico: [email protected] Así que le envío un correo. Me dijo todas las cosas que tenía que hacer y también me dio instrucciones para que las tomara, que seguí debidamente. Antes de que supiera lo que está pasando después de dos semanas, el VIRUS HERPES que estaba en mi cuerpo desapareció. Si estás fuera y también necesitas ayuda, también puedes contactarlo a través de WhatsApp +2348071332427

        Charlie Glendo says:

        I want someone to try the tofurkey and tell me if it’s actually good

        Rene vegan food says:

        My mouth watering 😋

        Miranda Taylor says:

        Why can’t they ever have a sista who knows how to cook? Where’s the seasoning and flavor? Always so bland….

        eltzrothm1 says:

        If anyone makes and brings that turkey abomination to someone's house, I'm afraid they'll have to go to prison for 50 years.

        Babu says:

        Are these recopies written out anywhere? They all look really good.

        Dumerica says:

        How do you make vegan gravy 😳

        K-FOREST says:

        Hi, how are you?

        – South Korea began to get cold after heavy rain last week.
        I hope health and good things will be with you this week as well. ^O^

        Carlo Escano says:

        So today I asked a girl out and got her snap. I’m in high school and love cooking. Found out she’s vegan and uhh now I’m here

        Lois Madrie says:

        Minus the oil, looks great 😊

        ELE comments says: This guy must realllllly love Vegans… Smh lol

        LiveWithLash says:

        love this! looks so good

        William Thomas says:

        I'm here to testify on how i was cured from HERPES 1&2 with the use of herbs. I got the herbs from Dr anabi and he gave me instructions on how to use it. I took the herbal product for a week and 5days after which i go for a blood test and the result was Negative. I waited for another two months and retested the result was still negative and my doctor told me I'm completely free from herpes1&2 and this Gladys my heart and i wish to share it for the benefit of those living with herpes1&2 to also get the herbs from Dr anabi and get cured just like me. You can contact Dr anabi on his email: [email protected] or his phone number and WhatsApp +2348081526640 God bless you

        Dexter Ekayu says:

        You should do a video with Sauce Stache, he makes alot of vegan substitutes.

        Sundays with Hart says:

        Looks delicious.

        Invictus Vi says:

        Anyone else feel like the background music is……… Familiar?

        Qesa Understood says:

        Trying to use the Mac and cheese recipe for TG dinner this year but they didn’t say how many lbs of pasta was used. Anybody wanna take a wild guess for me? I’d really appreciate it 🙏🏽

        Pink Llama says:

        Quinoa texture 🤮

        Sofi says:

        shocked in British what kind of stuffing is that meant to be?!

        علا الدين says:

        Vere yume thank you

        LittleLimaBean says:

        Hey! so thanks a lot for this, it’s really useful. I’m vegan and gluten free so I was wondering what I could subiste vital wheat gluten with?

        David's Allotment says:

        Good recipes that happen to be vegan and I love vegan food 😋 but hate animal expoiltion products.

        Sound of Heart Relaxation 心琴心音 says:

        Hi…. My dear friend 🤝 I'm here to support you, thank you for sharing this delicious recipe 🤤 🤤 🤤 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍

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