Get the recipes:
Baked Tofu With Peanut Sauce and Coconut-Lime Rice: (0:38)
Crispy Tofu With Cashews and Blistered Snap Peas: (3:14)
Follow along as the recipe developer and food writer Yewande Komolafe shows us how to cook tofu two ways. Tofu is one of Yewande’s favorite foods, and she likes to think of it as a blank canvas that you can flavor any way you want. Here, she highlights the tofu itself, rather than presenting it as just a meat alternative.
About NYT Cooking:
All the food that’s fit to eat (yes, it’s an official New York Times production).
Both of these recipes are delicious and I now cook them regularly, perticularly the snap peas one!
yewande is the besssstttt. everything she makes looks so good
The consistency of new plant based recipes on this channel is life giving. 🙌🏼
I find that my tofu get noticeably drier if I freeze it overnight and then defost it before cooking as usual. It also gives it a more interesting texture!
I like how she cooks tofu, but as an East Asian, I gotta chuckle at the title a little.
These look amazing! I love tofu but I always just stir fry it with broccoli and call it a day 😂 love how unique but simple these recipes are!
I say NOFU to TOFU!
She seems nice but boring and flat. We need personality like Alison Roman back.
can you teach me this?
This looks so good! She’s beautiful 😍
Very new and very different…❤️🙏😋👌
I have never cooked tofu before, I tried it a few times but I was quite young and not impressed to say the least. Currently trying veganism as a social experiment and monthly experience, should I give tofu a try? I'm very open-minded when it comes to food and I love Asian cuisine, but if something doesn't work for me at certain time, it will never work for me (cilantro is horrible people!!!!). Should I give tofu an honest try, seeing as organic produce is so expensive in
London ?
These are really simple and accessible recipes to try tofu, and they look delectable. I can't WAIT to get into them this weekend 🙂
Tbh i never cook tofu, i really like the texture as is. Only with extra firm though, cheap tofu is okay in a pinch without cooking but not great
Ou trying recipe #2 tonight (thankfully I have all the ingredients during while in quarantine!).
Just in time to rescue my uninspired tofu recipe—cubed in soup. I tried the baked with peanut sauce. Very good with red peppers on the side. I look forward to the tofu with blistered snap peas. That’s something I don’t say often—look forward to tofu. Thanks for the techniques. Lynne
My two experiences trying to cook tofu have been utter disasters. I am not sure whether I want to try to venture into it again LOL
I have cooked both of these recipes and was absolutely gobsmacked with both — especially the one with cashews! Very delicious and low-fuss. I highly recommend!!!