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Giuseppe Zanotti Revives the Amira Sandal - April 1, 2021
Giuseppe Zanotti Revives the Amira Sandal […]
Eating Local: Giuseppe’s Pizza & Italian Specialties - WJBF-TV March 31, 2021
Eating Local: Giuseppe’s Pizza & Italian Specialties WJBF-TV […]
The Reinvention of Value Retail’s Fidenza Village - WWD March 31, 2021
The Reinvention of Value Retail’s Fidenza Village WWD […]
What's Cooking: Uncle Giuseppe's Marketplace's Pizza Rustica - News 12 Bronx March 31, 2021
What's Cooking: Uncle Giuseppe's Marketplace's Pizza Rustica News 12 Bronx […]
giuseppe penone sets towering metal tree in the historic center of florence - Designboom March 31, 2021
giuseppe penone sets towering metal tree in the historic center of florence Designboom […]
Giuseppe Zanotti Revives the Amira Sandal - April 1, 2021
YouTube Bans “Fake” Animal Rescue Exploitation Videos April 2, 2021
Popular online video-sharing platform YouTube recently announced it is implementing a ban on staged animal rescue videos. The platform has noticed a “disturbing trend” of people putting domesticated animals in dangerous situations—such as puppies and rabbits being suffocated by snakes and cats found buried alive—to film an apparent rescue. According to YouTube’s global head of […]
Joaquin Phoenix, Billie Eilish Join Support + Feed to Bring Vegan Burgers to LGBTQ Youth April 2, 2021
Vegan celebrities Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara, Billie Eilish, and their family members helped distribute vegan meals to Los Angeles-based organization My Friend’s Place, which works to support LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness. “At a time when most people were worried about their own health and security, Maggie dreamed up and implemented a plan to get nourishing […]
This Couple Is Serving Up Vegan Comfort Food in America’s Dairyland April 2, 2021
It’s been nearly a year since we started social distancing, staying home to make mountains of sourdough, Korean whipped coffees, and focaccia bread art. But for all the at-home deliciousness we’ve mastered, we’re ready for our favorite restaurants! So although travel is still off the table, we’re celebrating with a mouthwatering tour of the stories—and […]
Martha Stewart: Vegan Meat Has “A Lot of Potential” April 2, 2021
Lifestyle guru Martha Stewart spoke about the world-changing potential of vegan meat in a recent interview with Fortune. Speaking about the growth of the plant-based movement and the role of vegan meat in displacing animal products, Stewart said: “I think [vegan meat] has a lot of potential. I have been an investor in Beyond Meat, […]
Vegan Copycat Panera Mac and Cheese April 2, 2021
Rich vegan butter and macadamia milk meld with cashews to create silky smooth, nutty, cheesy sauce in this recipe from HealthyGirl Kitchen. Make extra cheese sauce for pouring over roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli, or a hearty grain bowl. Photo credit: Danielle Keith
YouTube Bans “Fake” Animal Rescue Exploitation Videos April 2, 2021
Passaggi incompleti, impasto per biscotti.
Inoltre con la sac à poche li disegna male e poi foto di bignè perfetti da pasticceria.
Non fa vedere dopo la cottura l'intero… Mah! Resto perplessa perché fare un video se la ricetta è fatta male
L'impasto è venuto uno schifo, non riprovate buttate solo gli ingredienti
Ho provato la ricetta seguendo passo passo le indicazioni. Il suo impasto torna cremoso probabilmente perché aggiunge il latte di soia (infatti ad un certo punto del video si vede un liquido che mano a mano si assorbe con l'impasto), ma nella ricetta non lo specifica; in futuro ci proverò! Oggi invece mi son ritrovata con un impasto molto simile a quello dei biscotti, e, non volendo rischiare con altri esperimenti, ho steso l'impasto, inciso con il coppa pasta e infornato i biscotti in forno piccolo a 160°C per 30 minuti; non male, soprattutto per recuperare l'impasto.
Impasto duro…che schifo
Manca qualche ingrediente come diventa molle l'impasto con del latte di soia?
Tutto falso! È venuto una schifezza!
Ricetta provata due volte. Un totale fallimento.
Infatti ho provato la ricetta ed è venuta una schifezza.
Perché il composto all' inzio è compatto e poi diventa liquido?
Sicuramente è un fake. La foto è fatta su bignè a base di uova
Complimenti la vostra è l unica ricetta senza uova e mi sembra dalle foto molto riuscita .Al più presto mi cimenterò sperando nello stesso risultato . grazie