Unreal Dark Chocolate Covered Peanuts Vegan Candy

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#unreal #vegan #candy

This is a vegan gluten free version of M&M’s…but without the carmine (red beetle juice food dye) and dairy free. So tasty and healthier since cholesterol free! Win/Win!


All music by: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Get to Know You (Instrumental version) by Cody Francis

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  • Tags: Candy, Chocolate, Covered, Dark, Peanuts, recipe, Unreal, vegan
  • Categories: Vegan Recipe


Haylee Hayes says:

Thanks for the info!

Monica Roman says:

That part you said about the cholesterol!!! So interesting. I am going to be on the look out for these candies 😊

The Windy Burrow says:

Wow this is amazing! I think Vegan M&Ms is one of those things that I wondered many times why it didn't exist… turns out it does, thank you for this discovery Lori! I'll check to see if I can import a big carton to Europe, to much on all Winter long 😀

chefkennedy says:

Yummm! Unreal makes amazing candies! I tried the coconut bars and they were amazing! I can't wait to try more of their snacks. Thanks for sharing!

Black Vegan Travels says:

I didn't know the bit about cholesterol, it's always good to learn something new. I love chocolate-covered nuts and I agree that Unreal products are delicious!

Vegan Voyagers says:

Love the Unreal brand especially their peanut butter cups! Great idea to share snack boxes, so fun. We definitely can’t stop eating these once theyre open. It’s a ONE serving bag haha

Eat Your FORKing Vegetables says:

So crazy what they'll put in products for colour!? I miss M&M's so much and you're first bite had me craving them like crazy lol! Thanks for the review. Haha "not trying to be an apple!"

Vegan Food & Fitness says:

omg Lori what a great idea swapping snacks from different countries! I would definitely be up for doing this collaboration with you! let me know! 😬

Rita's Kitchen Remedies says:

‘It’s a candy, it’s not tying to be an apple’ 😂 Love it! I only ever liked the peanut mnm’s so I’d love to see if I can find them in Aus. Great product review 🥰

SiVegan says:

OMGGGG I loved M&M's before I went vegan! How awesome !!! I'd love to try these, I wonder if I could find it online and order it 🙂

The Vegan Hippie says:

It's not trying to be an apple. ha ha ha ha That was a good one. I bought some of the non peanut gems for an upcoming recipe. Didn't get the peanut ones because Stevie is allergic but now I want to go and sneak a bag of them. When I first heard of the beetle junk used to make candy, I was totally grossed out.

Not Your Average Vegan says:

I loved M&M's so I am super excited to get my hands on these! So cool to be able to get together with another vegan Youtuber and share snacks from a different country!

Vegan Pixie Warrior says:

I wonder if we can get these in the UK, I loved these before I was vegan✌️💚

Ashley Alexander - Living Free Ashley says:

Ohhh I love the Unreal brand! I have to be careful when I buy their products because I'll end up eating a whole bag in one sitting, lol! I had no idea what carmine was… I wish manufacturers had to put what the actual ingredients are on their packaging rather than pretty words to make it sound better. I bet a lot more people would be turned off from eating red beetle juice food dye or crushed up animal bones (for gelatine).

Anita Belle says:

I've always loved M&M's and I didn't know there is a vegan version and also gluten free! Delicious 🙂

Alkaline Foodist says:

These look super tasty, its great to know there are options like this out there!

arzankish 1 says:

Hello dear Lori … I am proud to subscribe to your good channel! I enjoyed watching an interesting movie with your beautiful performance about Unreal Dark Chocolate….. It was useful for me! Thank you for sharing. I, who was 15, liked it. I hope in your spare time I have the chance and honor to benefit from your opinion about my films. And we can have a good and long friendship. Thanks … good luck.

Piper LT says:

Not Vegan, but thank you for this video. Was trying to see how much you'd actually get and couldn't find elsewhere.

판다큐PandaQ says:

Thank you for sharing a nice happy video. My friend! Like 6

Leese D says:

As a fellow vegan Canadian, I’m really glad I came across your channel 🙂 Looking forward you more of your videos 💕

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