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Today’s Video: r/AITA | Am I The Antagonist For Yelling At My Vegan Sister For Throwing Out A Bunch Of Food I Payed For? | Reddit Cringe
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Song : Building Bridges [Royalty Free]
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Video Link : https://youtu.be/4bgQFJTSlAY”
Fake vegans do this. They care about control not animals being hypocritical like that
The sister who is a radical vegan and is throwing away OP's food is an entitled little brat. She was so smug and ate his french frys and drank his coke! This is why people hate vegans. To bad if OP made her cry, she deserved it, it's high time someone called it her out, she does not have the right to force her family to be vegan.. She should pay OP for the food she threw out.
Listen I have nothing against you being vegan but if you’re trying to force people into your mind so it kind of gets on my nerves like I’m okay with you guys telling people what happens in slaughter houses but when you make fun of people and see how they’re bad person for eating meat it gets on my nerves
pretty sure mcdonalds puts chicken stock on there fries. also mcdonalds has the best fries might be different where you are. am from england
I guess siblings just don’t beat each other’s ass anymore cause we’re that my sister and I sis woulda gotten punched and parents would have told she deserved it and she was gonna pay me back the 25 bucks and no fun would be had till she did …. and to the handwringers my sis gave as good as she got if I had pulled something like this when we were kids I woulda gotten punched too
The sister owes more than $25. She ate the fries and coke which is unacceptable in itself but you don't throw out food when it's not yours to start
Veganism is the ecologically WORST way to sour e food for humans
NTA she is a piece of s@*t
If it was strictly about veganism she would have thrown all the food out.just in fact that she had to smugly sit there and drink the Coke and eat the fries shows that she is nothing more than a controlling bitch
NTA for anything done. This is ridiculous. The parents are complicit & are assholes because they refuse to discipline her.
She eat YOUR fries after she throw away your food
NTA, she stole from u
I hate this new America where you’re expected to like people who are dicks to you and everything is YOUR FAULT
She only yelled at her, big NTA. My petty self would've dumped the coke all over her even and then proceed to guilt trip her everyday by telling her the increased cost in the household over her vegan diet and how much food she's wasted when she threw the meat out (how she contributed to food waste and how many people are starving) and basically just turn the same shit on her. Incredibly petty but that should shut her up. OP's parents are complete pushovers as adults letting some wild child they raised step all over them like that (she scolded him out of throwing steak away? really? a fucking teen vs a full grown adult?)
❤️ Cool.
Did you drop this? pulls out middle finger what about this pulls out other middle finger