Get the recipe for Vegan Pancakes at
Check out how to make vegan pancakes using ingredients you most likely have on hand. Nothing fancy here, just 6 ingredients, a quick mix and you’re ready to drop this batter onto a hot griddle. Enjoy!
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Recipe please the website is down
very annoying music
thank you so much for this recipe
This is cool but my vegan brothe wont eat sugar thats been sifted in bone marrow (white processed sugar) or processed flour. When we make pancakes we use buckwheat or spelt and coconut sugar
If u add saffron it will add yellow color and nice smell
… since there's no saving this I'll just give some general advice when making pancakes.
If you're using a flour-based batter (banana-based banner also exists) then let your batter rest for 5-10 minutes before you start making pancakes. I'd suggest using that time to get your pan or griddle up to temperature to ensure you don't jump the gun.
Another thing that might help is making a single small pancake at first and then taste-testing. This is for two reasons. The first to ensure that this is the flavor profile you want. The second to make sure your pan is up to temperature. Every wonder why your first batch looks sorry compared to the next few? It's probably because the pan isn't hot enough.
Pitiful recipe, AND NO NARRATOR. Grrrrrrrrrr 😤
Replace the white flour with whole meal flour
Replace the water with Almond Milk
Add vanilla extract, grinded oats, blueberries. Just anything to make it look and taste half decent
This has to be the worst vegan pancake I've ever seen
_'No vanilla extract? Or at least vanilla bean to give it some flavor. There's nothing wrong with vanilla extract. And I actually put banana in my pancake batter. It acts like the egg in other recipes. And it tastes way better. 🙂
this pancake is so sad
This recipe can make perfect light crapes , I may even make a video on that
Thanks for idea!
narrator please
it the worst-looking pancake batter ever :((((
More vegan recipes please! 😁
So not vegan i am sorry ,but vegans don't eat white flour ,at least use whole grain flour, and vegans do NOT eat sugar because it has traces of animal bones. AND BRING BACK THE VOICE. I am vegetarian and i watch all your videos because of THE VOICE. Its such a nasty surprise when there is not voice. I love the voice, its calming and clever. Its what makes the channel stand out from the rest.The voice is the reason you have 600k and more subs. I NEED THE VOICE IN MY LIFE.
This is just wet flour. Vegan is much better than this
So when is the narration going full time
almomd or soy milk would be much better than water.
banana, chia or blueberries are the way to go!
You can make much nicer vegan pancakes by grinding up some oats and mixing it with almond milk and mashed ripe banana.