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    • 100 Shipping Containers in India to Become Mini Tempeh Factories February 28, 2021
      Dutch vegan meat company Schouten Europe recently launched Tempeh Today in Bangalore, India. The company produces tempeh locally in small, high-tech shipping containers. Tempeh Today plans to roll out at least 100 shipping-container factories across India over the next five years in an effort to reduce the protein deficit in the country. “It is more […]
    • “Clueless” About Vitamins? Alicia Silverstone’s New Vegan Gummies Can Help February 28, 2021
      This month, vegan actress Alicia Silverstone—star of 1990’s film Clueless—launched a line of functional vegan apple cider vinegar gummy vitamins in partnership with wellness company Garden of Life. Silverstone’s organic gummies are available under the mykind Organics brand and were crafted with functional ingredients to promote immune system health, healthy digestion, boost energy, and support […]
    • Vegan Bacon Cheddar Jalapeño Dip February 28, 2021
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I make mango & passionfruit ripple ice cream, so simple and perfect for summer!



MY NEW BOOK!!!!!!!!!! 📚 Plants Only Kitchen Cookbook –

📚 Vegan 100 Cookbook –
📚 Vegan Christmas Cookbook –

my knife –
ice cream machine –



I make mango & passionfruit ripple ice cream, so simple and perfect for summer!



MY NEW BOOK!!!!!!!!!! 📚 Plants Only Kitchen Cookbook -

📚 Vegan 100 Cookbook -
📚 Vegan Christmas Cookbook -

my knife -
ice cream machine -

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  • Tags: avantgardevegan, chef, cooking, cooking show, dairy free ice cream recipes, dairy free recipes, eat, Food, gaz oakley, Gaz Oakley ice cream recipe, gaz oakley vegan food, how to make dairy free ice cream, how to make ice cream, lifestyle, mango dessert recipes, mango ice cream recipe, passionfruit ice cream recipe, plant based, raw, recipe, simple ice cream recipe, veg, vegan, vegan chef, vegan daily food, Vegan Ice Cream, vegan what i eat in a day, what i eat in a day
  • Categories: Vegan Recipe


Vasco says:

Don’t mind my comment, it’s only here for Mr. Al Gore Rhythm!

yellowsparklefish337 says:

Honestly, Gaz, get your food to Scandinavia ASAP. Your business would thrive here

audentish says:

Norwegian here totally agreeing!

Lidia Tekle says:

I hope I’ll have all the ingredients at home, so I can just make it after seeing the recipe…

The Tasty Vegan says:

Looks pretty easy😁 check out our recipes too☺️

Lidia Tekle says:

@tasty vegan, will do, thanks for the advice 😘

Alana Locke says:

Omg ice cream is my favorite thing in the whole universe 🥺💙

Lucy Of The Saints says:

Best VEGAN chef out there!!!😭😭😭 I love watching his videos they’re so calming too!!! Much love!:) ❤️

Donna Fraser-Persson says:

And to think i was on the verge of getting rid of the icecream maker. 🤦‍♀️

Mario Romero says:

Dominican’s in that house 🙋🏻‍♀️🥭

Shazi Gets Sober says:

Antigua’s here too!
Good seeing Caribbeans 😀
And definitely trying this

Vicky Medina says:

Dominican mango is the best ♥️

Luisa Bueno says:

Aquí mi amoor, ya tu sabe! 🇩🇴

L. Vals says:

A Dominican in Australia here 🙌🏽🙌🏽 una San Cristobalense vegana 😆😂 and I think the best Mangos are los Banilejos , esos parecían “ tetas” imagínate ese helado con los Banilejos ! Yumm!

Mario Romero says:

L. Vals, love banilejos, the smaller the more flavorful, also love magos de libra the big ones are so meaty!

Luna J. Pedersen says:

FACT: it’s never too early for ice cream (: (or too late – in my case – because I’ll be trying this out right away, which means it’ll probably be ready around midnight :D)

Katya A says:

How was it??

kristabela says:

I really love his jokes lmao. Once he cracks a joke I officially like the video 100x more

Amber Tomelden says:

Obsessed with all “The Office” references today 🤣🤣🤣

Spinkstein says:

He’s like the vegan version of Ant Middleton.

DanceLifeLoveTV says:

If this is his recipe for ice cream, imagine what Gaz would do to a SIMPLE peanut and jelly sandwich.

B Bacc Soon says:

lol f’real. My idea of a simple ice cream recipe is blending some damn bananas with vanilla extract and maple syrup lol.

DanceLifeLoveTV says:

@B Bacc Soon but your recipe sounds kinda good though. I will have to try that.

Evan490BC says:

@B Bacc Soon Not bad!

Croom says:


Miranda Schipper says:

After six years, I think it is finally time to put my ice cream maker to work…

Geraldine says:

Damn, i had one for years and never used it so i gave it away 😭

Dhir Punian says:

Look so good. Thank you so much my good looking friend.

Kika Ogbechie says:

“its so simple to make a vegan custard you wouldnt need to go to sundae school to learn how to do it…”
badum cht!
Gaaz I cant with you! XD

AssiieJj says:

If he isn’t Vegan and giving you Vegan ice-cream, let that man-go ….

Katrina Schenfield says:

Oh my God, hysterical!! 🤣🤣Too cute!!

tøp says:

That was reallllllylylylyl creative😂

Dr.Varsha Scooby says:

Let it gooooooo
Let it gooooooooo

xoxovoodooo says:

Are you my dad in disguise ?

Eduardo Viajero says:

Lol. he is just modelling.

LaDolcevita says:

There’s a non vegan Chanel where she showed how to make vegan ice cream with no machine and it turned out just as creamy so it is possible but she uses vegan condensed milk as the base, no corn starch flurry which I don’t like anyway gives it a bad after taste. Vegan condensed milk is just 1 part almond or oat milk to 1 part sugar boil to reduced and let set over night to use the next day

Jack Appleseed says:

I tried that technique, but it didn’t work( It was like eating coconut ice… but not ice cream… maybe I didn’t do it correctly but what could go wrong? I used store bought condensed coconut milk, and coconut cream, and it still didn’t work..

Sodanou Tang says:

@Jack Appleseed maybe your coconut cream is not thick enough? I personally have never try it myself but I think it would work because when I put coconut cream in the fridge it turn into a thick custard texture so maybe with condensed milk it would turn into an icecreamy texture. If nothing work, I think I know a recipe that would sure work. Follow her (Gemma Stafford) 2 ingredient icecream recipe. But instead use a non dairy whipping cream and coconut condensed milk. I actually tried it and it work!

N T says:

​@Jack Appleseed The no-ice-crystal texture in ice cream comes from using emulsifiers ( soy or sunflower lechitin etc), stabilizers (locust been gum, or carrageenan etc) fat (coca butter or other) and protein (nut milk or or other etc) -see the book by Dana Cree “The Art and Science of the Scoop”, This goes for regular ice cream as well where the emulsifiers are egg yolk or other, fat from butter milk or other and protein from milk powder, and stabilizers of choosing are used. In Del Torro’s the Vegan Ice Cream Scoop his recipe uses any nut milk and 2 cups of soy creamer, soy creamer contains the emulsifiers and stablilzers needed for the ice cream to retain the creamy no ice crystal texture.

Jasper Bearfoot says:

Are you referring to bigger Boulder baking channel?
Oops that’s not a plug but case anyone’s wondering she is in Ireland she’s an amazing beautiful sister that shows you how to make food items without having fancy equipment….

cauthoncrazy says:

@N T using soy creamer is way more desirable to me than coconut! Thanks for the tip!

LoverofmySoul says:

I usually don’t make a custard. I blend mango, coconut milk, a little maple syrup and lime juice. Then I freeze it, break it into pieces. Then churn the pieces in my food processor. Smooth, no icicles. Gave away my ice cream maker after I discovered this technique on YouTube.

Heather Clark says:

@Anti – Ethnic Cleansing I’m not a fan of fruit-flavored ice cream either, but 1) Commercial stuff adds ground beetles (“cochineal”) for color, 2) AND fake flavors and a TON of sugar – – ALL of which to make you feel like there’s actual fruit (or a decent amount, instead of almost none).

When you freeze actual fruit, it’s much more subtle. I seriously love doing literally JUST small pieces (~1/2 inch or 1 cm or so) of nectarine, and just freeze for a few hours. It was seriously amazing. And you can do coconut cream frozen with banana (I don’t like banana splits or fake banana “flavor”, but this was very mild; almost no flavor. GREAT consistency for ice cream. It gets former, but not to the point of like crunching on blocks of ice) and can do your coffee flavor that you mentioned, or chocolate, or vanilla.

OR just omit fruit entirely and do coconut cream and the rest.

Heather Clark says:

@Anti – Ethnic Cleansing I did the most amazing sorbet with literally nothing but frozen strawberries (greens removed before freezing), frozen whole (or in chunks of you like), then blended in the Vitamix. No high fructose corn syrup or sugar or water or carcinogenic carrageenan or guar gum thickeners, or maltodextrin or random junk. It was so beautiful. Tasted amazing. And so clean. The flavor was incredible.
Can do the same with banana (which I don’t normally like, but it was super mild, and perfect consistency). With the coconut cream (also barely noticeable, if at all), frozen, then blended in the Vitamix, it would be perfect and so smooth. 😁💕

LoverofmySoul says:

@Anti – Ethnic Cleansing You’re welcome. Nutrition Refined also has a cashew coconut vanilla that I haven’t tried because I’m the opposite of you. I like the fruity flavors. You may be able to sub a vegan coffee creamer or heavy cream, if easily accessible, for the coconut milk.

LoverofmySoul says:

@Heather Clark My omnivore family loves when I do nut butter or cookie butter banana nice cream. They can’t believe it’s only two ingredients.

savygirl818 says:

@Anti – Ethnic Cleansing The world is your oyster! Just not oyster ice cream…lol I made this last night and used fruit, but now I want to try it with everything. It’s probably going to take some experimenting. The base (custard) is delicious and I don’t think it tasted at all like coconut. But like Mr. avantgardevegan – I love coconut so may not notice the flavor so much. Just make the custard to start and see what you think.


why is no one ever talking about how well groomed this man looks.

spliff says:

@alicia so you eat nuts and avocados for breakfast and then consume peanut butter and drink canola oil for dinner? I forgot, humans are made out of plant oils, not cholesterol and saturated fat.

KissMySuccotash says:

Not sure I would say well groomed but he’s def adorable. And his accent, oh my God!!

K Mom says:

Maybe they don’t want to embarrass him.

Brian Anderson says:

@Tansia Cheng and pleasing the Father/God of ALL creation, after you cut out meat and if you go back you can feal the difference in how amazing eating life/vegan is

Jada Kyles says:

Fr though just beautiful ❤️

keepupwithliv says:

okay so creamy and delish!

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