3 Delicious Quinoa Recipes

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Sara Lynn Cauchon shares 5 healthy quinoa recipes that are quick and simple to make.

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Chinese Fried Quinoa

2-3 cups cooked quinoa
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
2 carrots, peeled and diced
½ cup frozen peas
2 eggs (optional)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sriracha (optional)
2 green onions, chopped

Tangy Thai Quinoa

2-3 cups cooked quinoa
1 red bell pepper, chopped
¼ red cabbage, shredded
2 carrots, shredded
½ cup edamame, cooked

1 tsp peanut butter
1-2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp honey
½ lime, juiced
1 clove garlic, minced
½ tsp ginger, grated
chili flakes to taste

Cheesy Broccoli Quinoa

1 cup quinoa
2 cups vegetable broth
1 crown broccoli, cut into small pieces
1 cup white cheddar, shredded
½ tsp paprika
salt and pepper

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The Domestic Geek is Hosted by Sara Lynn Cauchon

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        • Tags: delicious, quinoa, recipe, recipes, vegan
        • Categories: Vegan Recipe


        Cee Cee says:

        Is it possible to use red quinoa with these recipes or is that a no no

        Rachel says:

        A pixie fairy is teaching us how to cook quinoa! Thank you fairy 🧚‍♀️ I can finally use up that quinoa I have in my pantry for 8 months now

        Soraia Vicente says:

        I loved it ❤️ 🤤

        Keisha Houston says:

        Your my fave with your dishes girrll you get down

        Yami Garduno says:

        Or what type of oil

        Yami Garduno says:

        Can you use rice oil

        Joyce Fung says:

        I wouldn't recommend canola over olive oil ..

        Thrs Hwll says:

        Looks delicious. What protein can I use in place of eggs?

        Jayaprakash Jayabal says:

        You can actually mash some firm tofu and lightly stir fry it with some salt, pepper and turmeric. That replaces the egg!

        อนัญญา ฤทธิแผลง says:

        Thank you very much

        Cheryl Benincasa says:

        It looks really good, I'm just starting to eat quinoa, so I'm slow on it.

        Barbara Ratner says:

        Speak slower. I can't write so fast. Also how about dimensions of ingredients

        Pierre LALLEM says:

        en fr'ench !

        Pooja Midha says:

        So positive and vibrant lovely face…

        Pooja Midha says:

        Amazing. I like onion's and capsicum too.. can I add them too in the Chinese one???

        Michelle Coyne says:

        Made your stir fry quinoa for my family, they absolutely loved it! Thank you for a healthy dinner choice!

        Ratna Cicon Indrati says:

        These are really great recipes. Fully information, very attractive and interesting way to deliver the recipes, make me want to try the recipes right away. I like it very much. Thank you very much…please keep us update for your interesting recipes and culinary stuf.

        Take_a_Break. says:

        I cooked quinoea same as rice recipe and it turn out bitter. I made it for the first time.i just dont know its taste. Is it taste bitter?

        Raheleh Akhavizadegan says:

        Brilliant thank you

        A Cat Makes A Purrfect Pal says:

        Thank You for your clear instructions and healthy and pretty recipes! Very constructive, helpful, and just what I needed to know! Sincerely

        Kaylee C says:

        does anyone know roughly how many calories these are?

        Mz J says:

        Omgosh you're amazing! I'm already subscribed, WOW!

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