Vegetarian Harissa Recipe – Armenian Cuisine – Heghineh Cooking Show

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Vegetarian Harissa Recipe – Armenian Cuisine – Heghineh Cooking Show

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  • Tags: Armenian, cooking, Cuisine, Harissa, Heghineh, recipe, Show, vegan, vegetarian
  • Categories: Vegan Recipe


Guga Gaidzak says:

OMG, genius veggie Harissa. Shnorhakalutyun!!!

Flora Hayem says:


C S says:

cutest how to 😉

Tatyana Valda Belinda Hill says:

I cannot find the peeled wheat in the UK. Does anyone know where to get it or if it goes by another name? So far I only found bulgar.

stephania kazoun says:

I love your vegetarian recipes. All the best. Bless you all.

Luticia says:

Just soaking the wheat. Cooking it tomorrow. I'm longing for this meal so very much during these days. Due to my allergy I use pecans instead of walnuts. Because of my former times when I used to eat meal, I do know how Harissa is supposed to taste. Never tried this vegetarian version yet. I guess, it will taste delicious but certainly differently to the original one. I try not to compare them with another but rather see them as 2 separate meals/recipes.

Sinan Aljumaili says:

good job .it is as same as iraqi food .we also have harissa and kishka .and rushda .i so happy we shared the same food recipes

Kulsum Yusuf says:

I love ur boy .

hovhannisyan mar. says:

vaxxxxx shat em sirummm harisaaa Hexine jan mamas shata sarkum harisaaa baic dzer sarkace urihaa chem kerel etpisii harisaaa asem mamas patrastii aytpisii ampaymannnnnn

maylien says:

You should tell the Salt Guy that your food will make his new teeth grow!

maylien says:

I meant to ask you before, what is "peeled wheat"?Is it sold under another description?

Pearl Sparkling says:

heghineh I love ur recipess buttt plzzz upload some bakingg recipess plzzz!!!

Esther Patterson says:

Yeah! Salt guy on base…

Diana Gyulnazaryan says:

Barev dzez!!!vonc em es sirum Arqayin shat hamovna, inqn u Bek@ shat-shat hamovn en!!

the one from K says:

"because kids cant eat it!" hehe omg

AllasYummyFood says:

that looks so good!! I love everything that you post! It always makes me so hungry!!

ItsTeddys Life says:

The salt guy. How could you cook without the salt guy…? haha

Roxy B says:

Can I make it with vegetables stock instead of water. As it look yum thank you for this recipes.

katy kitt says:

thanks heghineh for all theses recepies, I saw almost all of your videos, you are so wonderful, and it is so conforting to see people like you still attached to theres roots, good luck!

Liliia Akopian says:

Ha Heghineh jan you look elegant in this blue dress.(Высший пилотаж!)

Liliia Akopian says:

Hi Heghineh jan 😘 I often cook Harissa.Thank you for vegetarien recipe of this.Glad to see you again ❤

Domo says:

You cook in the garage too? Another stove there or did you heat on the hot engine? I never tried this dish. Your son is funny and makes me smile.

anna k says:

Love you Arca.✌ Heghine can you please make an Anush Apur, its a desert, sweet version of cooking with peeled wheat.
My mom use to make it on Holliday seasons with dry fruits, nuts and cinnamon. Really yummy.

Liana Hakobyan says:

Zgest@ uxxaki hrashq er.Shat sazum e.

Tamar Mkhitaryan says:

Hexine jan shaaat sirun eq u shorik@ dzez shata sazum😍😍😍

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