Hey Y’all! Welcome back to “Steffanie’s Journey” to getting Fit & Healthy!! For video #32 this is my “Vegan Southern Collard Greens Recipe” they’re so delicious!!! I hope that you enjoy it!! Tag me @ #SteffaniesJourney, on my Socials.
► Prior Video:
2 Easy Vegan Egg Replacements (Vegan Recipe Ep. 9) || Steffanie’s Journey
► Main Channel Videos:
I’m here 4 this one!!! It’s A Wig – CHI – NDX2633 || Designs By Steffanie
► Check out these videos too:
My Vegan Journey 3 Month Update & My 5 Tips to going Vegan || Steffanie’s Journey
Easy & Delicious Vegan Mac and Cheese Recipe || Steffanie’s Journey
How To: Make The Best Chicken Seasoning/Rub || Steffanie’s Journey
*This is NOT a sponsored video.
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Please feel free to contact my management at [email protected] for an opportunities for us to work together
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Commonly Asked Questions:
What software do I use to edit ?
What camera(s) do I use?
Canon M3
Canon Rebel T5
Disclaimer: The opinions and/or views expressed in this video are honest and are based on my personal experience with this brand and/or product(s). I choose to share and highlight brands, products, and experiences on my channel that I enjoy.

Yes, plz….and some cornbread.
Could you do a vegan banana and vegan candy yams with raisins if possible?
Thank you and it looks good.
I'm taking my notes for tomorrow
If you have a garden, the green water from cleaning your greens would be great for the soil🌺🌻Thank you for sharing your recipe
🤢🤮 she doing that in the sink
This is an old video , but if you add oil to the pot , it will have a texture and taste like you added meat. I'm a meat eater , but the small town I'm in rarely has smoked meat.
I cook greens like this but I add chopped garlic as well. When done, I like to add chopped, fresh tomatoes & onions on top. Delicious!
Looks delicious, I love your kitchen!
looks delish girl!