Raising a vegan child can present challenges, particularly in social settings. Your child, no doubt will be presented with non-vegan foods outside of your home. And what if you child wants to try non-vegan foods? In this podcast episode, we sit down with nurse practitioner and mom, Gretchen Housel to discuss how she chooses to handle the challenges in raising her son vegan.
Click link below for the full podcast episode. http://www.pcrm.org/podcast/raising-a-vegan-kid
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I am meat eater no vegan food and sometimes fruit barely cause vegan diet is quite bad only a good protest
Most of these people complaining probably haven’t even breastfed their child which is more important than any food
Raising a child vegan is denying them their rights over a healthy diet. They need animal nutrient for proper growth or otherwise may grow stunted
Me : doctors are child abuse, having a child is sexual abuse
scientifically nothing wrong with it at all but do you have to tech him in this age ?
What do vegans feed new born babies?….. Mom's milk or cows milk powder? Can't feed babies soy milk
Vegan kids are the future 🙌🤩
That poor kid will never have a normal childhood.
There are worse things to get teased over
Already this is gender normative guys stop being so stuck with toxic masculinity like men can cook, men can clean, men can assist their wife when needed. like I hated everything he said in the first 30 secs like men can do anything and so can women and it’s not a woman’s job to take care of the child all on her own in the household. It “takes TWO wings to make a birds wings fly or else it dies “ take this as my opinion but I think he needs to fix his perspective on family life
dont do it be vegan yourself but your child needs those proteins and vitamins for growing and development.
it's wrong to force your kids to only eat veggies
Cockroach is shrimp 🦐. It’s the same family !!! 🤮🤮🤮. There is poop in your shrimp 🍤💩👄
Vegan parents should be locked up if they force their children vegan
I was raised up as a vegan since a 0 year old baby .
It is very difficult for me to eat any meat / fish .
The trick lies in the smell.
Because if you go vegan for more than 1 year, you can smell the difference between plants & animal food.
Animal food smells very bad, you will not accept it.
Parents raising their babies on a vegan only diet deserve to be slapped so hard their skulls crack the earth, maybe that would rattle some braincells into action.
Kicked all dairy products & meat out of my house and my kids stopped getting sick, it's been 3 seasons now. Gosh! We've struggled a lot with colds, flu & fevers😪. So, I got really tired and started to research. I'm so glad we went WFPB, their bowel movements are more gentle & regular now and not brutal anymore(Apologies for TMI) They're more energetic & school performance is impressive. We do plant-based burgers, sausages & pizza from time to time and they love them. The other thing that shocked me, was the fact that they were restless and not attentive at school prior to our new lifestyle and we were told to have them checked for ADHD. When we got there, the Dr. said they had the signs and we had to start treatment once they were old enough. We changed their fuel and all of that nonsense disappeared. I'm sharing this in case it helps another family in need out there. God bless🙂
The kid should say if they want or not,if they don’t ,DON’T FUCKING FORCE THEM,BITCH
Do vegan kids needs polio vaccine? Thanks to reponse
She needs to homeschool her kids… like I do mine
I wish this would have spoken more about the nutrition of the diet she’s giving her son and what she gives him on a daily, not so much about the peer or social pressure. Still good advice.
You’re a fucking imbecile who’s feeding your child an experimental diet which is completely contrary to how humans are supposed to eat. You have to take supplements to not get a deficiency. If you don’t understand that that fact alone shows you that this is completely unnatural you are a fucking idiot
So much arrogance in the comments. People only focus on the few bad parents in the news. What about the 1000s if vegan parents out there who do it right? Stop shaming vegans because you don’t understand how to get protein and iron from plants and nuts etc……
There’s a vegan alternative for everything xo
PCRM, could you make a full nutritional guide for children? If a mother wants to go vegan and know how to feed her child. Could you tell her exactely how to do it? I mean a daily meal plan. Would be very benefitial.
You should not rais a vegan child period.
I eat meat anyways because it gives me iron I need iron
Praise God for the internet well said if we love our kids and want to protect them from all kind of disease or dhd that the way to go I raise My kids on a vegan diet they were the most healthy kids God made us he knows what is best for us if we want to follow the world diet be prepare to pay the price
We’re Raising my daughter whole food plant based, but our problem is she is a very picky eater! Some days she’ll like one thing, others she’ll hate it and fuss. I feel like we’re starving her because she won’t hardly eat what we put on her plate, and idk how to get her craving these types of foods.