Free Breakfast E-Book:
It took me some time to put this video together after filming it in July but now it’s finally here and I hope you will like it! In the video I try three new to me vegan eateries in Hackney, London and show you around. Now that I’m back in Sweden there will be more recipe videos soon and a vlog here and there. Stay tuned for more new videos soon!
Malin x
Music mostly from:
Epidemic Sound
fave films:
Forks over Knives
fave book:
The China Study
fave speeches:
The Best Speech You’ll Ever Hear by Gary Yourofsky
Toward Rational Authentic Food Choices
Lovely Video
It is so nice to see you again! I've been thinking of you and here you are! Glad you had a good summer 😉
very nice contents! cozy and i feel like watching you, im learning something new 🙂
So happy to see you again
that's lovely! I'll try those places next time I'm in London 🙂
cool video! next time try Farmacy:) its gorgeous
I missed you!
this is wonderful- may I ask which camera you use? x
agh so lovely to see another video from you Malin & Rob!! Beautifully filmed and edited as always
I have checked your channel multiple times to see if I missed a video. So happy you are back. Can’t wait to see more.
Liked the video? Absolutely loved it – welcome back Malin and Rob! Beautiful eateries and thankful for your reviews. I hope that home searching is going well as I look forward to more of your amazing content!!
vegan deterioratiom
Hello Malin, I'm happy that you are back !
I would love to see, if possible, another episode of "a week of lunch/dinner" series!
Yesterday I made red lentil + carrot dahl and I & my boyfriend loved it.
Winter has come (almost) in Paris and I miss summer so much :'(
So glad you are back!
Lovely to see you back, will check out those locations next time in London. The breakfasts looked amazing. X
I love Wave, it's one of my favourite cafes in Hackney. Will try Palm Greens soon. 🙂
First thing I noticed- That XR sign in the thumbnail ;P I think at this point I am a little bit to involved and it is taking over my mind ;P
But I loved all of that video! Your positivity, the places you've visited and the editing! All amazing
So good to see your happy healthy faces again. Thanks for sharing.
So glad I found your channel 🖤
It made me so happy to see a notification in my email that you uploaded a video!!