Here are some super easy to make vegan lunch or dinner ideas for those cold days.. (in Germany that’s every day now until mid April probably)
thanks so much for watching x
Instagram: mina_rome
Email: [email protected]
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What you’ll need:
One Pot Red Lentil Pasta
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
1 tsp thyme, dried
1 tsp oregano, dried
2 bay leaves
1/2 cup lentils, red or yellow (125ml)
1/2 cup marinara sauce or passata (125ml)
1 can diced tomatoes
2 cups veggie broth (500ml)
1 cup water (250ml), or more if needed
2 1/2 cups pasta, dried (190g)
a handful of fresh parsley
salt, pepper to taste
Middle Eastern Spiced Sweet Potatoe Chickpea Stew
4 small sweet potatoes (or 2 big ones)
1 onion
1 small piece of fresh ginger (1 tsp chopped up)
1 1/2 tbsp tomato pureé
1 tsp paprika powder
1 tsp Ras El Hanout* (arabic spice mix , see notes)
1 can tomatoes
2 cups veggie broth (500ml)
1 can chickpeas
fresh or frozen parsley
salt, pepper to taste
1/2 cup soy yogurt (125ml)
a squeeze of lemon juice
Roasted Pumpkin Buddha Bowl
1 small pumpkin, Hokkaido
4 -5 whole garlic cloves
1 Tbsp olive oil
season with thyme, black pepper and seasalt
1 cup cous cous, cooked
a handful of mushrooms
more thyme
1/2 cup peas
juice of half a lemon
1 – 2 Tbsp spicy hummus
*if you can’t find this spice mix use:
1/2 tsp cumin, a pinch of cinnamon, 1/4 tsp tumeric, a pinch of nutmeg
Music used:
THANK YOU for watching and everything
much love
Mina x
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I love you for being so simple and realistic. I'm not vegan, but looooove vegan meals, if that makes any sense, because I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian, so…pretty close, hahah. This is practically the way I eat, except for the fact I sometimed add in dairy products and eggs, but legumes, rice, vegetables and pasta are my choices to eat everyday, sometimes I end up eating it all vegan friendly, hehe, so thank you! You make it easier for me to keep it simple yet interesting with all your recipes 😊
You see, I want to learn this but is hard when you start with an onion, I hate onions.
Soooooo good! My boyfriend and I just started a Vegan YouTube channel where we're documenting our experience of being vegan through cooking, challenges and more! Check it out 💛🌞✨
Loved the video, the last plate was like everything I like in one ball 😁😁
some pastas have eggs in it,not vegan so yeah keep an eye on that
I love you so fucking much girl
you help me a lot
heart for you
love youuu❤️❤️❤️
Da sieht wirklich richtig lecker aus!!
I would recommend using quinoa instead of cous cous in Buddha bowls, its a lot healthier and filling!
It works perfect to fry in both oil and water. I always fry in olive oil because there is no sensible reason not to, and I usually have too high heat (I never learn), so I add in water so the onion doesn't burn and get stuck to the pan. Works perfectly. Just add a few tsp.
Beautiful storage of your red and yellow lentils! How did you get it to look so pretty?! I'm a huge fan of one pot dinners. Thanks for sharing!
I cant eat lentil any replacement 😭😭
hört sich lecker an 😊 Liebe Grüße Farina und Steffen