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60 EASY VEGAN RECIPES E-BOOK ►► http://www.thecheaplazyvegan.com/ebook

These recipes are perfect for university/college students or anyone that is just too lazy in the kitchen to slave over the stove top. These recipes don’t require pots and pans – all you really need is a microwave and some boiling water. Sometimes you have those days when you just don’t want to bother with extra dishes or spending extra time cooking. These recipes are for those days!

♡ COUSCOUS BURRITO BOWL – https://www.thecheaplazyvegan.com/5-minute-couscous-burrito-bowl-recipe/
♡ MICROWAVE “STIRFRY” – https://www.thecheaplazyvegan.com/5-minute-microwave-stirfry-recipe/
♡ PEANUT BUTTER BANANA QUESADILLA – https://www.thecheaplazyvegan.com/peanut-butter-banana-quesadilla-recipe/

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Note: This is not a sponsored video.











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These are affiliate links, meaning I will make a small commission/reward if you purchase any products using these links.

● iHERB.com $5 off your first order with code CJW878


● The awesome BLENDER I use!

● VEGAN CUTS is an all vegan snack and beauty box subscription service and I am an ambassador! Check out their site here to sign up for a box or see what products they have to offer:

Check out the individual boxes + marketplace here:
♡ Snack Box: http://caurl.co/r/x9qwl/gd1g
♡ Beauty Box: http://caurl.co/r/x9qwl/g2r8
♡ Marketplace: http://caurl.co/r/x9qwl/g6lg
♡ Vegan Starter Kit: http://bit.ly/1ZkphGl


TOP 12 FAVOURITE EASY VEGAN RECIPES ► ► http://bit.ly/1SbpmaQ
VEGAN GROCERY GUIDE ►► http://bit.ly/1OHZOzA
TOP 5 TIPS ON GOING VEGAN ►► http://bit.ly/1RCRWAr
WHY I WENT VEGAN (MY VEGAN STORY) ►► http://bit.ly/1mN5Ftm
HOW TO LIVE ON $3 A DAY (VEGAN EDITION) ►► http://bit.ly/1W9lvtJ


By www.epidemicsound.com

  • RSS VegNews.com

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  • Tags: (college, easy, minute, recipe, recipes, Students, vegan
  • Categories: Vegan Recipe


Ada Montgomery says:

The unadvised traffic orally share because weapon lovely carve underneath a quickest mistake. dashing, sloppy knife

Aimee Newton says:

These are amazing, thank you! How can I find the pot you use for cooking the couscous?

Mike mor vlogz says:

WOOOOW the simplicity in this video yet very nutritional value is amazing! I'm just making the transition into becoming vegan and these quick recipes are going to make the process a lot easier. Thank you! 🙂

Ariel Burrow says:

For the students who don’t have access to a kettle, you can microwave water for 2-3 minutes and i think it’ll boil!

Vivian Hudson says:

Thank you for this!! I'm going to college this fall and I want to start making more vegan meals to transition over to being vegan (I'm vegetarian rn). This is super helpful!

ツoyaz says:

Lol i was thinking more of like a pb&j lol

Scotty g says:

OMG! These look so good and so easy! My question is do you spray the skillet before cooking the tortillas? Great video!Thanks

Gabriel Cuervo says:

Your recipes, all of them are fire!!! 🔥🔥🔥 love the simplicity and combinations. Just totally awesome 👍👍

Addie says:

i’m 11 and have been vegetarian for 3 months and a lot of people think i’m too young or think i can’t make it for a year but i strongly believe i can and one day i hope to be vegan😁 i’m lactose sensitive and don’t eat that much dairy anyway but in a non vegan household having my sisters being freaking CARNIVORES it might be hard and also i don’t want to make my parents spend a lot of extra money just more me bc being vegetarian isn’t that hard AT ALL!!!

dk k says:

just a sidenote. microwaves destroy your food

H F says:

I know this is an old video, but I just got an ad for lasagna with "twice the amount of beef" 🤦‍♀️ I do believe they are targeting the wrong audience!

JRR31984 says:

Microwaves should be destroyed.

Mona B says:

Going to make the Quesadilla 🤤

Bella Luvv says:

That banana and peanut butter quesadilla looks really good! My imagination is running wild I'm thinking some think sliced granny smith apples with cardimum, cinnamon, and almond butter. Folded over into the wrap and cut the same way and grilled in a little bit of soy margarine then sprinkled with coconut sugar while they are still warm. 😋😋😋😋

Karen L says:

More Korean food please thanks 🙏

Britney R says:

So, I'm Allergic to banana, but a lot of recipes require bananas. What is a decent, budget-friendly alternative to using bananas in recipes?


Could you do more college videos

crow girl says:

So glad you make these videos. I may have a guest coming to stay for a while and they are vegan. I was worried it would be super complicated but these seem like really easy dishes to make.

angelafallsup says:

Animal Mother says:

I’m going to make these delicious looking meals and add organic free range chicken to make it even better! Thank you for sharing recipes

Sam Alo says:

You will probably not see this but I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your videos. You are one of the very few people on YT whom actually posts recipes that are super easy and delicious, two important things when you live a busy life!
I have recently developed this disgust towards meats and I don't know why exactly but it made me think that now would be a great time to slowly get into veganism. Your videos make this process 10 times easier so thank you very much! Sending you lots of love and positivity ♡♡

That Cool Canadian Family says:

Great easy and fast recipes, thank you for sharing!

Bouabdellah Ghanem says:

O MY GOOOOD thats not how you do couscous >XD

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