Ainsley Harriott's Veggie Burgers – Anisley's Barbecue Bible – BBC

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Ainsley Harriot goes global in search of the world’s best barbecue ideas, starting with The Great British Barbie. Ainsley demonstrates, in his own inimitable style, how to make some delicious veggie burgers on a barbecue. The recipe this time is for korma courgette-and-chickpea burgers.

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  • Tags: Ainsley, Anisley's, Barbecue, Bible, burgers, Harriott's, recipe, vegan, veggie
  • Categories: Vegan Recipe


Master Jet says:

He is the reason why I became a Professional Chef.

Arkham 25 says:

1:29 spicy 🌶️

D G says:


Elle Bhee says:

1:07 is perfection and beautiful oawwww…

حسين ابراهيم says:

İm glad cuz he un vegan the veggie burger by adding the egg yolk


A glove of carlic? Am I the only one who noticed it?

Rashid Jurgens says:

1:29 when a snake gets too close to me

Kyoko kirigiri says:


Long Yu says:

0:43 Roman soldiers in Carthage be like

Utkarsh says:

One of the only healthy things on his menu

MisterEnredas says:

1:29 a new meme for the eternity…

Vansh Anekar says:

Omg he gets so happy when he cooks
I wish I could be happy with my job that slowly kills me

Xegethra says:

"Then please do" Well, if you're so open to it….

John Lee says:

Man created the Impossible Burger before anyone else in the world even considered it

ExecuterDude66 says:

Since he add an egg yolk, That Vegan Teacher cannot eat this.. I'm glad he un-vegan the Veggie Burgers..

Jacob _N_R_Z says:


Matthew Ryan says:

what the hell was the tongue flick for when he said spicey? @ 1:28

John Krammer says:


Is everyone gonna ignore that this man worries about some of his viewers's health and gives different solutions?

riCK 11024 says:

This man is important

Ryuu says:


Bruno Pelissari says:

1:28 watch the moment when an infiltrated reptilian accidentaly shows its true identity by flicking its tongue

Kameix2 Gaming says:

0:12 oh yes..

Datazs says:

1:28 SPICY

Joshua Militar says:


superparis1 says:


Tyrielle Smith says:

A little bit spicy

SethTheTechWiz says:

"Barbecue over medium-hot coals for 67 minutes on each side."

Ainsley likes his burgers burnt to ashes I guess.

NOOBDP says:

Why is nobody talking about this 😀

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