Today I introduce my dad onto my YouTube channel for the first time to share his epic recipe for simple vegan Italian recipes.
MY NEW BOOK!!!!!!!!!! 📚 Plants Only Kitchen Cookbook –
SIGNED COPIES of Plants Only –
📚 Vegan 100 Cookbook –
📚 Vegan Christmas Cookbook –
my knife –
music by Dan Williams – Music by @danbwilliams

You and your dad should do more cooking segments together.
hahaha people are you blind? vegan italian MEATballs ?? This is religion no qeustions about that
This older guy has failed as MEN.
@Marcin Kępski Obviously your a subscriber of the Goatis cult. A” real man” would respect another persons’ choice.
Yes and mom!
@Marcin Kępski you can’t be serious 😂 this has to be sarcasm
Unrelated but I just love how you serve your food. You pay so much attention to details, it’s something I always notice! In Germany we say “The eye eats too”, to emphasize the importance of nicely serve food
Catina Williams sounds really wasteful…
You eat with your eyes [first]
Lol, the plate for the meatballs 🙂
Du hast so recht 😍 es sieht einfach so lecker aus !!! IT‘S THE SERVING FOR ME 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
@Catina Williams Try this BS in Europe and they will take the plate back and charge you for it, as “the plate looks sloppy” is no reason to refuse food cooked for you. Goodness…
If you say vegan food tastes bad, you can’t cook. Period!
@miniko artsy , sure , I eat raw eggs everyday and drink raw milk , how am I still alive ?
Bruh , you just watch too much tv , and read not enough books
@miniko artsy , first of all , supplements are NOT working , vegans still lose hair , bodymass and etc.
Second , there are at least 10 nutrients you cant get from plants , especially because of antinutrients.
@miniko artsy , supplements work ? Then why so many vegans still deficient in those nutrients ?
You just ignorant , like all slaves
My vegan food taste bad because I can’t cook 😭
Hey I’m wondering if you could make a video with your dad talking about the health benefits of going vegan at a later age, what it does to the body and mind etc etc. I’m trying to get my grandfather off meat or at least to eat less and I think he and more older men would be open from stories of people around their age.
@Maureen Bullis Very inspiring ❤️
@Maureen Bullis look out for b12 and if not going out enough then vit-D also.
Nd yes omega-3s.
These 3 are the problem with vegans….
As a 3 old vegan and recently checked my vitD, B12 both were low..
Supplements are so cheap please take care of yourself and good luck ❤️
Jermaine Harper my Dad went vegan at 78, he is 80 now and was able to beat prostate cancer. We just noticed something new: he used to be very sensitive to sunlight, now after being vegan he doesn‘t get sunburned anymore. We don‘t know why, but his diet was all he changed.
Hi I am Indian and my family has been vegetarian for generations.
I have been lucky enough to celebrate my 20th Birthday with my great grandma and all of my grandparents.
They didn’t lead a particularly fitness oriented lifestyle.
But in their days they had to do all the work manually, so they did lead quite labourous life and ate simple home cooked food and no preservatives or proceed foods were available to them.
So they didn’t develop any kind of Mental issues in their later years even.
My maternal grandfather is still alive and doing great.
Most of them died of old age and not any particular diseases.
@COOKING WORLD World Very good point! Indian food is definitely quite healthy (and delicious!) due to the fact that it’s mostly plant based and you guys don’t eat beef. But what people don’t always mention is that it’s also important to avoid processed foods and move around a lot throughout your life, in order to stay vital and healthy. Having strong connections with family and friends helps as well. Thanks for sharing!
I thought your mom was your sister, she looks so young. Great family, great friends. Wishing all of you the best from Pennsylvania, USA 🇺🇸.
Gaz’s face when his dad is mixing! 😂 I love it!
Ash ley it was too funny 😂 😂😂. Loved it‼️
What a lovely story , he taught you how to cook and you taught him how to transform the things he loves into plant based versions. Full Circle.
Um, dad went vegan FIRST! So he taught how to cook before and after becoming vegan 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
@Evony Potter If you actually listened he says his dad went vegan a few years back, whereas gaz has been vegan for minimum 4 years 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
@Harry Wijnschenk are stupid? How does your comment disprove mine? You big dummy
this was so cute like everything about it and the lowkey jabs and looks… adorable
Did that plate say F*ck? With an Avocado picture? I want it.
…it did…cracked me up😂
YES!!!! I thought I was the only one that saw that!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I have always thought Gaz had the best beard but his dad’s beard is sharper than the knife. 😂
This channel really helped convince me to go vegan. Not by showing the horrors of the meat industry, but by showing the incredible beauty of vegan cooking. If you can make food this good without animal products, there is literally no reason to not be vegan.
@TheGermTheoryHoaxSlayer And your point is….?
@Elena-Sophie Gräser You do realize that soy is 2nd in the world, just behind the cattle industry, for causing deforestation? Let’s be honest and criticize all guilty parties, not just the one’s that suit a personal narrative.
@M M “unless you live in a food desert there is no reason to not be vegan” 🙄
@Heidi Cross 1love, The LIFE of doing to others as we would want them to do to us 🤗 VEGAN FOR LIFE
@Brian AndersonWhat does food has to do with ethics, I just think that going vegan because “mhh that’s tasty” is weird.
I am probably your mom’s age and this was a delight to watch! My husband nearly died of a heart attack two years ago and we are vegan now. I struggled with most vegan recipes at first (they were awful!), but with your videos, books, and a bit more experience, my husband and I are enjoying meals again and here we are in our early 60’s, healthier than we’ve been in years. We will definitely try this one. Your books are beautiful, by the way!
Sandy Phillips 🌹❤️❤️that is awesome !!
@InfiniteLoop I sleep better and have more energy to exercise since going vegan. Didn’t really have to try. They are a natural result.
InfiniteLoop very true , won’t argue with that , it’s a very valid point
New vegetarian here due to being diagnosed with High Cholesterol. Never knew eating this way was fun, delicious, and better for me. I am going to try this recipe today.
Just be careful with cheese and eggs. My cholesterol is borderline high for my age bc I eat too much cheese will help your journey to true health. Dr. Gregor. Best wishes.
You may have already watched this so sorry if you have, but if you want to really go a step further or even be committed to staying vegetarian, I recommend and swear by watching “what the health”. I was newly vegetarian when I watched it and now have instantly become fully vegan and not had a problem sticking to it.
I hope this helps you in your quest !! Good luck xx
Dairy is pure sebum, yolks are pure fat as well.
This dude looks a bit like Hide the pain Harold… love it.
bro, I was gonna typing the same comment
omg thats why he looked so familiar lol
I thought it WAS him when I saw the thumbnail! 🤣
Hide the Pain Harold but no more pain, only food.
You truly have gorgeous parents. I’m glad being vegan has helped your father’s health.
his dad kinda looks like the smiling pain meme guy
lmao that’s why i came here. I was like “he’s using his father’s image to get the clout, so lame”
This comment has 666 likes currently, I feel too powerful
@Fuckedmewithatoothbrush hail seitan
Been vegetarian for just over a month and made this last night for the family! We all love it! My son commented that it was better than the beef meatballs I used to make! The word he used was ‘gourmet’! Now that’s a compliment as he was also an ex chef. Thank you so much for your channel and the amazing recipes inspiring us to cook healthy plant based food.
Your father is a GEM and we must protect him at all cost.
I love that his father became Vegan, most men his age wouldn’t ever consider Veganism. Kudos!
Well, maybe he shouldnt if he had not the heart operation..
But when death is coming you get down of your high horse
Yeah had a lot to do with his heart scare I’m sure
Especially here in the USA where “killing and slaughter” is the middle name for the ‘men’ who live in my area. Not unusual to see a dead deer hanging on a car – lovely!
My dad thinks eating vegan is “gay” he also thinks I look “gay” when walking my toy poodle. My dad has toxic masculinity. I think the father’s diet is awesome. I’m a pesciteran myself, however I eat alot of vegan meals. I’m making this looks awesome 👌 to all those men out there that have toxic masculinity….. Go hug a puppy…..
You must be special kind of stupid to think eati g meat cause hart problems….its sitting on your fat @rse eating fatty meat that can cause it…if you stay active watch your weight and exercise daily …. you good to go !!!Laziness cause a lot of problems
His father is so sweet shy at his age it’s cute and good to see older people not stuck in their ways .I am vegetarian 35 years definitely going to try this but without the wine