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We love simple easy delicious pasta, and we love that there are so many versions you can have! This is such an easy and wholesome dish. The sauce is rich and you can add any veg you like, we just used basil just to show the simplicity but we'd love to know what you'd add to yours!

All the best,
Dave & Steve.

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We love simple easy delicious pasta, and we love that there are so many versions you can have! This is such an easy and wholesome dish. The sauce is rich and you can add any veg you like, we just used basil just to show the simplicity but we'd love to know what you'd add to yours!

All the best,
Dave & Steve.

Our Online Course are here; https://www.happypearcourses.com
Check out our website here; https://thehappypear.ie
Find more recipes here; https://thehappypear.ie/our-recipes/
Find us on instagram @thehappypear
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  • Tags: creamy pasta sauce, easy vegan pasta, easy vegan recipe, new vegan, pepper pasta, plant based basics, plant based diet, recipe, red pepper pasta sauce, simple vegan, the happy pear, vegan, vegan basics, vegan beginner, vegan italian, vegan pasta, vegan pasta recipe, veganuary, whole food
  • Categories: Vegan Recipe


The Happy Pear says:

We didn’t add many veg to this just to keep it simple. What veg will you add to make this recipe your own? 😄😄

Morgan Napolillo says:


Em7880 says:

Gluten free isn’t healthier… Its just gluten free.

The Real Britt Bella says:


Kevin Gonyo says:

I’d maybe toss in some spinach. Honestly, it looks great as is! Definitely making this for dinner on Sunday. Thanks!

rani wilfred says:

I love adding zucchini and mushrooms!

Hafsah Durrani says:

Yum!! Looks so simple yet so delicious!! 😋

The Happy Pear says:

Thanks it really is 👍🏼😄

Michelle D says:

For some reason I find I am the owner of a massive can of roasted red peppers. Finally, something I can do with them!

evelyn baron says:

@The Happy Pear NEVER waste anything you guys are the bomb even though I HATE coconut anything tamari Is always my excuse for umami plus… mushrooms .. ; I have a sort of keto/medditerranian (who cares about spelling at a time like this) sister. That tiny bit of salt neither of us can live without; also a bit of miso paste and some nori … returning to our sheep (you can tell I’m French) for people who really want convincing pasta — I really am allergic to wheat stuff but gluten ok — full chickpea flour pasta in all its glory and I try not to overdo the pasta but this amount of fiber will slow anyone down no matter how delicious. and if you use either spaghetti or fusilli — no-one noticed. Or lack of beef in a spag bol using these guys’ lentils A plus .

Best wishes to you guys; for obvious reasons I love my sis, what’s not to love. Getting over knee replacement; wtf. Vr David Bowie cane, great physio guy and swimming is vastly underrated. Also my sis. Went to the Messiah which for rock people like us is just unbelievable music, love Handel, the choir which is definition of community; the dedication that goes into making this indescribable music. There was a woman in front of us who came by herself and fell down before they began ; my sister and another person got her back up and all she wanted was to sit and listen. We got her into a cab and sorted it; she was a delight. It was my Christmas whatever it means to others, would love to hear about other peoples’ ideas, you are in the right place; this is Ireland’s best place to be.

John Lucore says:

roasted red pepper hummus. you could find a recipe on youtube

The New says:

They are also good on sandwiches.

Sheneil Ellis says:

I said the same thing

Diksha Dixit says:

They are also a great addition to any marinara sauce 😊 it complements the tomatoes perfectly

Irvin says:

Just a tip from an Italian: leave the pasta slighly undercooked, about 2 minutes less than the cooking time written on the packaging. This way it will finish cooking in the sauce and the starch from the pasta will make the sauce creamier

Claudia mariani says:

Earthling Kat ok nonna wouldn’t but mamma would. I’m italian and my mother is a vegan for 30 years. We do not have a problem with alternative dishes. In fact Italy has the best gluten free products . Better than America .

Kristina Lauss says:

Thank you for the tip Kevin

xxxxSOSEXYxxxx says:

Or you could add a tiny bit of starchy left over pasta water into the sauce. I like my pasta passed al dente.

MAGA Mandi says:

I do the same thing:-)

Asma Khan says:

I do just exactly that….works wonders

tazztone says:

one handful of garlic powder: the amount i would actually use

Michael Williams says:

Same here, they like bland food

Hashpotato says:


Ghoulie says:

Fr lol I’d probably add more tbh I love garlic

active Anke says:

– 100g cashew (soaked, drained and rinced OR 3-4 min boiled)
– 100g red pepper (roasted)
– juice of 1/2 lemon
– 1tbsp ground garlic
– pinch of black pepper
– 1tsp salt
– 500ml non-diary milk (oat)


Julia Serento says:


Mig says:

“we have 100 grams of cashew nuts…”
aight im out

Alyona C. says:

@Alex Sacurov I didn’t want to say something mean, too.
Thanks, I wish you the same. Have a good day 🍀

GreenInBlue says:

@Alyona C. You can get 200g of Cashew for 2,50€. That’s around 1,25€ for 100g. I think that’s totally okay.

Patrick Zingler says:

Sunflower seeds are a nice substitute. They add a little greyish colour compared to cashews, but they work quite fine

shush says:

Each cashew are individually handpicked the shells are removed

Baseball Euphoria says:

They are not expensive, people just don’t know how to budget

CмертоноснаяСука says:

Gluten isn’t unhealthy… no point in avoiding gluten unless you’re allergic

Ti potto says:

IT has to be written glutenfree to get more Views…😂😂

Andrea Anonymous says:

Eating gluten is like smearing glue all over your intestinal walls. Gluten really shouldn’t be eaten by anyone. Whether allergic or not.

CмертоноснаяСука says:

@Andrea Anonymous evidence or intuition?

Carol Mizelle says:

You are operating under a misunderstanding. The main issue with gluten regardless of allergy present, is that it increases inflammation! Kinda of a big deal. Inflammation is at the root of all disease.

CмертоноснаяСука says:

@Carol Mizelle firstly you’re factually wrong, unless you have celiacs disease or intolerance gluten does NOT cause inflammation, secondly inflammation is most often a SYMPTOM of a disease and not it’s cause…. next

Reincarnation as an Alpaca pls says:

Please stop calling gluten free pasta healthier that normal one🧡🧡 as long as you have no sensitivity or allergy you are absolutely fine with the wheat or spelt kind , and it’s cheaper

Khimpi Dutta says:

@Anja R. Could you eat gluten without any side effects after that long period? I am asking for a friend.

Anja R. says:

@Khimpi Dutta my symptoms weren’t caused by gluten, so nothing changed for me when I went gluten free and nothing changed when I started eating gluten again

Carolina Amador says:

It is an absolute fad!! People love flaunting they eat gluten free and dairy free because they think they are healthier. BS!! Only people who have got an actual allergy should stay away from it. Otherwise you can eat it no problem.

Katherine says:

@em me What about einkorn or spelt? Sprouted and organic?

Ilaa Ilaa says:

Gluten free pasta is actually good though. I eat it often because my grandma is allergic to gluten. It’s expensive obviously but I feel it’s just as good as regular pasta. It’s actually easier to keep it al dente.

GeekChick6 says:

100g cashew nuts boiled 3-5 min (rinse after)
100g roasted pepper
1/2 lemon juice
1tsp salt
500ml oat/dairy milk
Pinch pepper
Tsp garlic powder

300g cooked pasta
Fresh basil leaves

Toasted spice mix
Sesame seeds
Toasted flaked almonds

Mechthild Kreuser says:

@CrazyLazy ADHD from the amount of Pasta mentioned in the recipe i would assume 2-3 persons.

Crudo says:

Thank you very much. Doodes should do this

iLike Austin Goh says:

Thank you!

Vidushi Jhawar says:

I was searching for this comment

Stefan Kaitschick says:

@Mechthild Kreuser 3 vegans or 2 non-vegans.


The guy in blue should stop interrupting.

Sarah Dee says:

that’s their twin thing happening. Just their style.

Kendall Farris says:

It’s 5 minutes if you have a double of yourself 😅🤣

Diogo Pedro says:

10 min then xD

Thali Gonzalez says:

Added smoked chipotle peppers to this and it was delish!

Walklittlelady says:

I started this recipe amd then saw your comment, and my eyes widen. Of course! I love chipotle peppers, always have a can of Morena. So, when I saw it I immediately added some at the end. Thanks for this tip, it was delicious!

Thali Gonzalez says:

Yum! Made my mouth water just thinking about it. Glad you tried it !

Julius Caesar says:

It took me a while to understand you were saying “thickness” haha.

Always love your content!

Colin Murphy says:

Authentic marinara is already vegan. It has 4 ingredients: olive oil, garlic, basil, and tomatoes.

a a says:

@Nachtfalter legit 😂

InfiniteLight says:

@a a try adding a pinch of sugar to balance out the acidic taste

shruti says:

@a a I’ve eaten marinara sauce on so many dishes I’m starting to find the taste boring too haha

Daniella Nicole says:

Olive oil Onion garlic, crushed tomatoes with basil, tomato paste (if you want) a bit of veggie stalk, seasonings of your choice. Try that, no way that’s bland. That’s the plant based version i use a diff method for regular sauce.

Baseball Euphoria says:

what does marinara have to do with a creamy red pepper sauce? they are different sauces lol. That’s like posting on a vegan ranch video: “yea but mustard is already vegan.”

Ohioma Imoukhuede says:

I love how you’re like this is gluten free when you’re gonna eat it with a plate of gluten. And yes I’ve had gluten free pasta. There is no joy to be had there

Khimpi Dutta says:

I agree. I hate the taste of gluten free pasta. That’s no pasta. 🙄

Song Bird says:

I’m so glad you two are finally making more no oil recipes. Thanks this is going to be tried today. I can almost taste it now ☺️

Maulid Hassani says:

I can smell the delicious aroma just by watching it ❤💗❤

R L says:

Guy on the right makes me so uncomfortable with his constant interruptions

Ross Phillip says:

I am starting a list. Every ad I see is getting banned from my shopping experiencez

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