Brad Leone joins Chrissy Tracey at her cabin to make vegan cacio e pepe with grilled mushrooms. This recipes use cashews for the base of the sauce. Blending them with miso helps to mimic the creaminess and cheesiness of the original. And if you can’t forage your own maitake and lion’s mane mushrooms, store-bought is just fine.
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Brad and Chrissy Make Vegan Cacio e Pepe | From the Home Kitchen | Bon Appétit
Correction everyone! When blending the cashew base, Chrissy recommends 1 TSP salt + more to taste, NOT 1 TBSP. Halt the salt. Savor the flavor.
Brad and Chrissy together is soo satisfying!
love chrissy!
Eats mushrooms with fingers after zesting lemon.
“It has a citrus note”
I only watch this account for Brad. She’s into him more than me! 😂
What is there not to love about Brad? – not actually looking for an answer.
tfw she fails to call the starchy water liquid gold
I have made this recipe multiple times and it is frankly the most delicious pasta I have ever made.
More vegan stuff please 🙂
Love that BA has a vegan chef doing videos now. xo
This is boring af
Who tf is chrissy
Ba Aint the same since the ogs left
how much pepper did she even put in the pan ?
Horrible editing
I’m only here cuz of brad
Who puts eggs and parm in cacio e pepe? Isn't it just black pepper and pecorino?
This video was so relaxing. Who wouldn't want to be Brad's friend?
They have good chemistry together.
Brad, that’s one sick dead shirt man!
Brad is still such a great, interesting personality.
"Traditional cacio has eggs"….no it doesn't.
How tall is Brad? 😆 I love the new chemistry
Their chemistry is great it’s just the social distancing that’s making it feel off . Who cares about social distancing you guys are cooking