6 Vegetarian Breakfasts

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  • Tags: breakfasts, recipe, vegan, vegetarian
  • Categories: Vegan Recipe


FunWorks says:

How the heck are eggs vegetarian!!!???

Richa Daiya says:

Tasty: vegetarian breakfast:)
Also tasty: uses eggs*

suhanaveshni bargali says:

Are eggs veg?

frixtale 24 says:

The pancake recipe did not come out well for me

Mugdha Joshi says:

More like egg-y breakfast


Eggs are vegetarian?in India they arrent

Simran Aggarwal says:

According to tasty eggs are veg and grown by plants then i suppose.

Breese Helene says:

Hi!! Thank you so much 😊 I’m becoming vegetarian tomorrow and this really helps me! I might have one of those breakfasts tomorrow 😂

Hi Hello says:

For that first recipe y’all might wanna add flour or is just me

E Wick says:

As a vegetarian that does not like to eat eggs, this video was a bit disappointing…🤔🤣

Unmesh Patel says:

Eggs are not VEG as per INDIAN MYTHOLOGY!!!! Otherwise all the recepies are really fabulous…. 💞💞💞❤❤❤😍😍😍😍

Morgan Brammer says:



buzzfeed, I tried the first recipe ( pancakes ) and they completely turned out SHIT. thanks a lot for wasting my morning.

Kishan Rambhursy says:

Egg is not veg

eva ARMY says:

I am a vegetarian and I don't eat egg but I am not vegan

buba hotep says:

How is this vegetarian with eggs and cheese?

starry cactusx says:

Thank you I needed this.

Morgan Waite says:

Brings cheese and eggs

Me: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccccccc

charlotte gerber says:

Make sure that you check the cheese ingredients because some cheese and even tomato sauce isn’t vegetarian

mahima rao says:

Why tf is there an egg in this video titled as vegetarian

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