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Merle is so funny when I laughed my mom this I'm crazy (⊙_◎)
3:40 probably haunted… 👻💀👻
Do we put onion peel in as well???
Actually… almost all food are waste free if you just make it compost
I love bringing sustainability to this channel. I try to live low waste as well. I think it'd be a really good idea to make the content more inclusive to diverse populations and low income folks. ZW is very much a hobby right now online, and it's very much expensive and on many channels, about an aesthetic. If you're passionate about this, and I think you are, show people how to reuse and repurpose kitchen materials as well as using food scraps. Have BIPOC and marginalized communities take part in this channel. Amplify voice in other parts of the globe that are doing low waste in a completely different way. It's hard to make ZW content with just another white girl as the face of it, and when you can pretty much afford whatever you want for the videos.
I absolutely loved this video! Kudos to a channel as big as yours to be talking about this, and with compassion, too. ❤️
Oh, her eyes are beautiful!!!
This is one of those things taught during grade school that we tend to forget by and by. And this is more applicable now than ever.
You are very beautiful Merle!
"We get into habits when it comes to cocaine"
HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE! if people dont buy the plastic things that are in shops, such as plastic milk catons, shop is gonna throw it out and then we still are gonna get c02 only way this works is if no platic in ANY shop
was NOT expecting the haunted comment AHAHA love it
I do the same daily and once you see a plant grow from scrap u just can't throw it next time. Zero waste is an addiction
Weirdly enough, plastic is organic according to chemistry. The term she should have used is bio-degradable.
I disagree, people should do this. It should be mandatory, as well as banning all types of non degradable plastic. We should all do our friggin part! 🙂
why should i compost myself when there i a trash can for only biological products and furthermore I have no use for soil in my small apartment
Environmental science is seriously the best😀
Yo, are you guys really throwing those parts of herbs and vegetables? Seriously? We always used them. When you slightly boil or steam broccoli and cauliflower you add either garlic+lemon+salt or you can add you can add garlic+yogurt+salt+pepper and it would be a great dinner. Don't waste anyting!