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Finally was able to re upload this video! I had to take this video and another down last week due to a copyright issue with the music. So for those of you asking for the recipes and where this video went here it is!
They are delicious 😋, but not really good for losing weight ☹️
Um hi I have a question so when I looked on the website i didnt see what kind of tofu like firm or whatever I prob didnt hear it in the video but which one would u prefer? and also i cant take plant based milks so is it alright if I use normal milk ? For the rice
Me: I shall be vegan
Later me: o darn I’m hungry what do I eat
Vid: good vegan meals
Me: eh better then not eating now do I have this stuff
Me: realizes I don’t have any of that stuff well I’m lazy and I shall get some food from ober eats now where’s a good vegan place
what brand of oats do you use?
Awesome music! Great!
I recommend walnut pesto, I actually like it even better than pine nuts, it has more flavour.
So good. Thanks😊
Definitely going to try some of these
Where is your kettle from?
OMG that pesto pasta looks AMAZING
I tried making the pesto sauce and it was huge flop, i couldnt even eat it. I put all the ingredients in a blender and it wasnt blending and i tried a small food processor i have and nadda. It was just this oily sand like texture and it wasnt that pastel green color at all it was dark and muddy. I'm sure what i did wrong? I've tired the miso soup and friend rice and liked those a lot but i was very dissapointed by this
did you know that stinging nettles are edible and vegan? just found this out and im blown away… i also made a video about preparing them too if you want to check that out
Could I use honey or caramel sauce for the first recipe?
Wait so vegans really don't use honey? I spent 12 years paranoid for nothing!? I can't eat it I'm allergic
I like seeing you enjoy, your delicious recipes
That pesto pasta was everything I hoped it would be!!!!!!!! ❤️🤤
"pesto pasta"
italian guy comes out
I love how easy these recipes are! I make super similar things at home and have been leaning more to the vegan side lately after a recent health issue. May I make one respectful editing suggestion? The volume of your voice is pretty low in comparison to the music, maybe they could be equalized a bit? I find myself turning volume up and down on your videos a fair amount and thought I'd check in with that. I love your video style otherwise! 😊💜
I love the background music in this video
This video gave me so much joy! Thank you so much. I'm trying all of them eee!
pasta > egg!##!!!
On the second recipe and I can already tell your video is the answer to all my prayers!
these fucking dumbass vegan faces
great pesto recipe besides only one clove of garlic lol
I'll give you some tips for Pasta from an Italian (me hahah):
You should first put water and let it boils. When it boils add two tablespoons of salt (here in Italy we use a "bigger salt", this is why we usually use just one tablespoon) btw I know that two tablespoons look like a LOT of salt but most of it will evaporate.
When you have added the salt you can finally throw in the pasta and cook it depending on how many minutes are written on the box.
We usually cook it "al dente" which means "to the tooth" even if that's not the right meaning haha, but it's the perfect cooking time (don't really know how to achieve it bc it's something that I can feel when I taste the pasta)
I know that my English isn't the best, but to understand better there are lots of videos by Italians here on yt that will explain it amazingly.
I hope this could be helpful!
I'm so gonna try this!!