About Brandi and The Vegan 8:
“More than 5 years ago, popular blogger Brandi Doming of The Vegan 8 became a vegan, overhauling the way she and her family ate after a health diagnosis for her husband. Her recipes rely on refreshingly short ingredient lists that are ideal for anyone new to plant-based cooking or seeking simplified, wholesome, family-friendly options for weeknight dinners. Each of the 100 recipes uses 8 ingredients or less (not including salt, black pepper, and water) to create satisfying, comforting meals that your family-even the non-vegans-will love.
Order The Vegan 8 Cookbook: https://www.amazon.com/Vegan-Simple-Delicious-Recipes-Ingredients/dp/0848757076/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1525064343&sr=8-3&keywords=the+vegan+8+cookbook&dpID=61EJOwgoBcL&preST=_SX258_BO1,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&linkCode=sl1&tag=thve8-20&linkId=de1a2d20e703e6ab1cc3742410fb204f
About eMeals:
eMeals is America’s leading online meal planning solution. With 15 meal plan food styles, from Quick & Healthy and Vegan to Low Carb and Paleo, eMeals is the way that smart families do dinner.
eMeals meal plans simplify the process for getting healthy and delicious meals on the table. eMeals provides simple-to-follow recipes and 1-click shopping lists. Subscribers can choose to either pick-up items on the shopping lists themselves or utilize the newly integrated grocery delivery option through AmazonFresh and Instacart or curbside pickup with Walmart Grocery or Kroger ClickList. Start your FREE 2-week trial today.
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